Find out how healthcare practionners are getting patient success with this difficult to treat condition-by learning how to effectively diagnose GLUTEAL TENDINOPATHY, alongside patient access to a highly successful, evidence-based management program. All at the same time as boosting your income.
Download your FREE How To Effectively Diagnose Gluteal Tendinopathy INFOGRAPHIC
Recognising this painful condition early, means better patient outcomes and sets the foundation for an effective management.
Here's All The Tools You Need To Get Hip Confident with Gluteal Tendinopathy:

Generate Extra Income, Whilst Turning Your Attention Back To Clinical Hands on Skills!
Your practice will get a unique code, giving every patient 20% off the cost of the program and you'll receive an affiliate £30 recommendation fee for EVERY program sold using your code.
How time flies when you are in a consultation! Especially with Gluteal Tendinopathy patients. Before you know it you are running late into your next session and haven't finished giving all the advice you wanted to.
Or maybe you are unsure how to start managing this debilitating condition, especially as research shows exercise selection is extremely important when addressing specific deficits within the abductor synergy.
It doesn't have be like that! With over 100 videos, covering:
- A step-by-step, easy to follow rehab program- from basics to return to sport.
- How to modify daily activities such as sleeping, sitting, walking, standing, using the stairs, daily activities and exercising.
- What Gluteal Tendinopathy really means and factors that can influence it.
- How to help manage a flare.
- Setting expectations.
- Setting goals.
- A message to family and friends.
- How to get your abdominals stronger.
- Exercise Planner- to help work through your personal program.
- Progressive CV loading program.
- Understanding the muscles around the hip.
- Exercises which could aggravate your symptoms.
- Tips to help maximise pain relief.
- Hip flexor lengthening exercises.
- Quadratus Lumborum stretches.
You can turn your focus back to your patient! Meaning less time printing off exercise sheets, setting goals and re-explaining activity modification.
You will also feel safe in the knowledge that your patients will be working on the correct exercises to optimally target specific deficits.
By using this program alongside your expert treatment, your patients will be thrilled with their progress and shouting about you from the rooftops! AND you will be generating extra income.

Learn How to Diagnose Gluteal Tendinopathy Quickly and Effectively!
Download your free, easy-to-use 'HOW TO EFFECTIVELY DIAGNOSE GLUTEAL TENDINOPATHY' infographic, integrate it into your clinical practice and feel confident with your diagnosis. Research shows that early recognition of this condition is crucial to the best outcome.
You'll learn which subjective signs are clues to this diagnosis, how to 'cluster test' to ensure a more accurate diagnosis and also which clinical tests give the best outcomes, and how to carry out these out.
With so many clinical nuggets, you'll be super confident in your management of hips.

Feel Supported In Your Clinical Practice.
Clinical practice can be a lonely place, especially when you have a patient you are just not sure which direction to move in. Let my experience with hips help guide you.
All practitonners promoting the Gluteal Tendinopathy program will be invited to regular zoom problem solving/ Q and A sessions.
This will be a relaxed environment, led by Victoria Smith, to discuss patient cases/ learn about hip conditions, feel supported and gain confidence in your management of hips!
I'm a passionate (some may say obsessed!) Hip Specialist Physiotherapist and I'm here to share my 23 year experience with you. I work in both the NHS and private sector (Fix Your Hips) and I strongly believe working together, across health disciplines gives the best outcome for our patients.
I have given many successful training sessions to osteopaths, pelvic health physios, chiropractors and GP's and helped them learn how to effectively diagnose and manage Gluteal Tendinopathy patients alongside other hip conditions.
Let's Get You Hip Confident!
"As a Pelvic Health physio, Victoria has helped develop my understanding of this condition enormously. I can now diagnose it early and The Gluteal Tendinopathy program fits perfectly into the management of my patients."
Alex Stephenson, Pelvic Health Physio
"After watching your highly educational CPD training, I'm looking forward to using your program with my own patients"
Maria S osteopath
"I use your helpful advice and exercises for my patients here in NZ, awesome work."
Gwen Oliver physio

Access All The Tools You Need To Get Hip Confident with Gluteal Tendinopathy....
whilst boosting your income.
Download your FREE How To Effectively Diagnose Gluteal Tendinopathy INFOGRAPHIC
Recognising this painful condition early, means better patient outcomes and sets the foundation for an effective management.